The MP Railroad (Mississippi & Pennsylvania)

Building a Model Railroad

Follow along as we work on building a fictional HO scale model train shelf layout, using our selected colors, designs and logos, layout and much more!

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Learn with us as we learn

Welcome to the fictional MP Railroad

Using what little knowledge we have with the hobby we are looking to learn and grow. And in doing so we are looking to create our own fictional railroad.

Watch our latest youtube videos!

Learn ModelRR as we learn!

We are working on the basics, learning how to use Digitrax, JMRI, Benchwork and more. Follow along with our Journey as we build our HO Scale layout from start to finish and more. Come learn with us along this fun and fantastic journey!


Brands we use and love and we think you will too.
InterMountain Railway Co
Woodland Scenics
Evergreen Scale Models

Join us in learning all of these amazing topics

Follow us as we plan to cover all of the topics below.

Keep up with our blog posts as we will try to work with all the following topics like JMRI, DCC, Arduino, Weathering, Train Trips and much more.

Scenery Design
New at learning scenery design and weathering? We are to! Follow us and lets learn together.
Controlling with DCC
Learn with us as we build out layout for DCC model trains, including using Digitrax and an attempt to use Arduino!
Follow Our Journeys
Follow us as we take adventures from time to time to real destination across the US to enjoy real trains!
Check out the Blog
Be sure to check out our blog content, we hope to provide some high quality blog posts as well as images.
Scratch Building
We may take a chance at scratch building, so follow along to see how this goes!
JMRI with Trains
We plan to use JMRI for our ops and more. Let's see how this goes since Cody is new to most if not all of this.

Looking to follow along with our blog posts? Be sure to check out our blog link below to catch up on all of our posts from start to end!

Become a supporter today!

Support our model train content.

Do you enjoy the content we're putting out on our blog and YouTube channel? Want to help support us and continue building this blog and site with great content and more? Become a supporter of the MP Railroad today!

Showing you the in's and out's of wiring your layout with Digitrax.
Image link
Image link
Follow us as we travel to train shows, and more.
We are still new at this hobby! Learn with us as we learn.
Image link

Follow along with our journey of building our fictional railroad. We hope you enjoy the ride.

Cody is always looking for something to do when it's related to model trains or real trains! We do try to even plans trips with our camper around train rides, or hobby shops!

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