What are Fictional Model Railroads?
A fictional model railroad or a freelance railroad is a realm of creativity, entirely crafted from imagination or based on real things! Why not design a unique railroad name? Your layout, your rules! Some modelers love getting hands-on, from electrical work to painting engines and rolling stock. Building names, business identities, and industries all come alive through their vision.
So, what are Fictional Model Railroads? They're make-believe model railroads, in scales like G, HO, OO, O, N, set near the modelers home or inspired by favorite short line names with a twist and so many other options.
It could be based on a beautiful small town's charm or a cherished place near and dear to the modelers heart. The M&P Railroad is a perfect example! But before diving into M&P, let's explore other incredible Fictional Model Railroads, inspiring you to journey into the captivating world of model trains.
Below are what I think are some of the most amazingly detailed model train layouts based on fictional model railroads. Provided the slightly twisted version of history, or a modern day spin on what "could of been" if things were still running the way they were. Let's take a look at some amazing model railroads.
Learning about the Brownville & Ashland Railway and The Allagash Railway
#1 the Brownville & Ashland Railway
Turning to facebook to look for groups or even folks that have their own model railroad pages. I came across the Brownville & Ashland Railway.
The Brownville and Ashland Railway is a HO freelance railroad set in Maine. Per the description on the facebook page. This layout packs one heck of a punch! The DETAIL! This layout is amazing, the scenery is beautiful with a few reference pictures from Maine on the facebook page you can see why this layout is one for the books.
I could legit scroll for hours, days even while on this facebook page. This is the definition of a fictional model railroad and it fits that definition to a T! Take a look at the image below, the BRAR box car #16135 sitting on the siding waiting to be pick up. And then take a look at the beautiful Guilford Rail System engine MEC #374 sitting to the right of it. It's lovely, the details in the track and grass are top notch.

Blown away that this is even possible. The detail put into this was mind blowing for me. This was everything I wanted to have in the M&P Railroad that I create, I came up with so many different names trying to figure out what would work, or what I would like. The Brownville & Ashland Railway made me re-think everything I was doing, and what I would like to do going forward. Be sure to check out the Brownville & Ashland Railway facebook page for more information and amazing updates!
#2 the Allagash Railway
When finding the facebook group for the Allagash Railway I was blown away with the quality detail of this layout as well, the trains, track ballasting, the story line, etc. I would love to see this layout in person, the details and information put into this layout is exactly what a fictional layout is all about. Just take a look at a few of the images below, and you may understand why it could be just as fun to come up with your own fictional railroad and all the things associated with it.
Be sure to check out their facebook page and join if you like the images and information they provide on the layout. This is a layout worth following. You can pick up so many amazing tips, tricks and other great information to help you build the model railroad you have always wanted. Be sure to join the Allagash Railway Facebook group.
Be sure to check out their facebook page and join if you like the images and information they provide on the layout. This is a layout worth following. You can pick up so many amazing tips, tricks and other great information to help you build the model railroad you have always wanted. Be sure to join the Allagash Railway Facebook group.
FHRR Florida Highland Railroad & The SPSF Railway fantasy concept
#3 the FHRR Railroad
This amazing little layout is the Chris Gilbert's freelance Florida Highland Railroad or FHRR. This is a beautiful shelf layout with a few engines and other rolling stock. You can check out the facebook page here, but you can also find this one around in some other facebook groups for shelf layouts. Love the details on this layout and the locomotive power.
#4 the SPSF Railway
This is a great facebook page of one of those what could of been rail lines. Again the perfect definition of what a Fictional Model Railway can be. The models on this facebook page are top notch with the same style of design or paint scheme they would of used if the merger of the SPSF went through when Southern Pacific and Santa Fe railway were looking to merge.

All about the M&P Railroad
#5 the M&P Railroad
The M&P Railroad is a Fictional or Freelance Model Railroad that is based on where my wife and I were born. M&P = Mississippi & Pennsylvania Railroad or the M&P for short. This line is going to be built in a way that would most likely represent a Class 1 railroad but with the layout size I will have a smaller operational area ranging in the United States in or around the West Virginia to Ohio/Pennsylvania area. More on the exact location to come.
I will be working on a fictional area of the layout that will have many switching businesses that would include a large operation bakery/candy shop that would take in goods like corn syrup, grains, packing materials and ship those goods via box cars to a large shipping warehouse that would then deliver those goods via truck to customers. All of this of course is still a work in progress, but I'm wanting to have industry's on the layout that I can switch and it makes sense to have.
With a fleet of locomotives, rolling stock based on buy outs from other company's, new purchases and more. You can view all of these on our site at any point and time. Painted in multiple paint schemes using our made up logo and colors scheme for some added fun! You can follow along with the process by visiting our blog or check out the layout updates page where we will keep you in the loop with our progress. Want to know the type of tools we use? We are providing a list of all the types of tools that we use on the M&P Railroad.
This is the best part about coming up with your own railroad. You can take other paint jobs you like and mix them in with yours. It's a pretty unique process and makes for the ultimate creative experience when apply decals paint and more.
Have questions, or want us to write up a blog post? Maybe you would like to reach out to us about doing a product review? You can reach out to Cody at M&P Rail by going to our contact us page and filling out the form or send us an email or join our discord.
*Photo credit goes to their respected pages, I do not own the images other than my own from the M&P Railroad. All other images were used from facebook pages, but are copyright and owned by them.